A Small Town Called Undera

Situated in the heart of Australia’s Goulburn Valley Dairy region, Undera is home to our small business.

We are a family owned and operated certified organic dairy farm producing the highest quality milk products; also doubling as an on farm gelateria!

We pride ourselves on the quality of our dairy produce and share our passion by creating a heathy ecosystem of the land. From the grass we grow to the cows we raise, we create the finest produce Australia has to offer.

We are delighted to invite you all to our farm to try our broad selection of delicious traditional Italian gelato made with love.

Our Family Story

“From an Italian migrant heritage, my parents came to Australia in the late 1950’s”

Seeking new beginnings and a better lifestyle from their homeland, and after exploring different

avenues trying different jobs in Australia, they finally decided to settle on a farm

in Undera, Victoria 1968. After a few years of growing tomatoes and beef cattle they decided to

establish a dairy farm in 1974, where they dealt with all the ups and downs the dairy industry is

notorious for. In 1997 they decided to retire from farming. Irene and I gradually took over the farm

where we decided to raise our family of three children. Because of the high level of

unpredictability that the dairy industry revolves around from year to year and the harsh financial

outcomes that it can create. We decided that the best way forward to create some level of stability

on our dairy farm was to value add to our milk. In 2013 we looked at a few different avenues to

accomplish this and decided that making Gelato was something that interested both of us and

would allow us to produce a quality finished product using our fresh milk, so we started to

establish a commercial manufacturing kitchen in pursuit of this. As our journey progressed with

establishing our manufacturing kitchen, another opportunity came about in 2016 to value add to

our milk once again by converting our dairy farm to a certified organic dairy farm. In doing so we

went on numerous farm walks that gave us new insight into organic farming which helped us to

work out how this was going to happen for our dairy farm.

The outcome of the big decision to value add to our conventional milk has allowed for us establish

a more environmentally friendly organic dairy farm management system. For the good of our cattle

and the environment, we have a more natural approach to producing our milk from the girls (cows)

that does not use any chemicals or synthetic fertilisers. At the end of the day, beneficial results are

reflected in the flavour and nutritional value of our organic milk and gelato that we produce on
